2. Genereer meer én betere leads

Je website een 24/7 sales manager

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3. Aanvragen stroomlijnen

Reageer sneller en efficiënter op aanvragen

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1. Een beter overzicht

En maak je hoofd leeg.

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2. Offertes en facturen

Zonder knippen en plakken.

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3. Koop slimmer in

Zonder zelf iets uit te rekenen.

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4. Plan je personeel

Weet wie waar wanneer werkt.

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5. Controle over de keuken

Slimme maaklijsten vloeien uit je offertes.

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6. Koppel je boekhoud software

Nooit meer factuurregels overtypen

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Accelerate Your Invoicing and Improve Your Cash Flow with Catermonkey

In the event and catering industry, timing is everything, not only during the event itself, but also when it comes to billing. Sending timely invoices is crucial to healthy cash flow and can significantly affect customers’ willingness to pay. Here’s how Catermonkey helps you streamline your billing process and why it’s so important.

Directly from Quote to Invoice

With Catermonkey, the process from quote to order, and from order to invoice, becomes a seamless experience. With just a few clicks, you transform an approved quote into an order and then quickly into an invoice. This efficiency is not only a plus for your administration, but also for your customer relations.

The Psychology of Timely Invoicing

The moment you send an invoice has psychological implications. Clients who have just experienced a successful event are still in a positive flow. If they receive an invoice soon after the event, they are more likely to pay it quickly as well. This is in stark contrast to invoices sent weeks later, when the enthusiasm of the event may have faded. This can result in delayed payments and even doubts about the details of the invoice.

Improving Cash Flow

Fast invoicing means faster payments, which is crucial to any company’s cash flow. For small to medium-sized catering companies, consistent cash flow can mean the difference between growth and stagnation. With Catermonkey, you minimize the time between delivering service and receiving payment, which helps keep your finances stable and predictable.

Less Administrative Burden

Catermonkey not only automates the billing process, but also helps minimize errors that often occur with manual billing. This reduces the administrative burden and frees your team to focus on what they do best: delivering exceptional catering and event services.

Integrated Solutions

In addition to invoicing, Catermonkey also offers integrations with accounting software and CRM systems. This ensures a smooth transition of customer data and financial details between systems, saving time and ensuring accuracy.


Timely billing is more than just good business practice; it is essential to maintaining healthy operations and supporting customer satisfaction. Catermonkey simplifies the process from quotation to invoicing to the point where you can invoice faster and speed up your payments, directly contributing to better cash flow and business growth.

Do you also wish for more parties with less administration? Visit www.catermonkey.com and try us free for 14 days or contact us for a personal demo. Discover for yourself how Catermonkey can speed up your billing process and improve your cash flow.

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