1. Making your website a sales machine

The optimal customer experience online

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2. Generate more and better leads

Your website a 24/7 sales manager

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3. Streamlining applications

Respond to requests faster and more efficiently

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1. A better overview

And clear your head.

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2. Quotes and invoices

Without cutting and pasting.

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3. Buy smarter

Without calculating anything yourself.

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4. Schedule your staff

Know who works where and when.

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5. Control the kitchen

Smart make lists flow from your quotations.

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6. Link your accounting software

Never retype invoice lines again

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A blog that explores the latest technological developments and trends in the party industry, and how they can be applied to take parties and events to the next level.

Het Belang van Tijdig Factureren in de Cateringindustrie met Catermonkey

Accelerate Your Invoicing and Improve Your Cash Flow with Catermonkey

In the event and catering industry, timing is everything, not only during the event itself, but also when it comes to billing. Sending timely invoices is crucial to...
Kiezen voor de Juiste Software voor Jouw Evenementenlocatie of Cateringbedrijf

The Right Software Choice for Your Event Venue or Catering Company

Choosing the right software for your event venue or catering company is crucial to streamlining your operations and maximizing your efficiency. The question many ask...
Start Je Cateringbedrijf Sterk met Betaalbare, Flexibele Cateringsoftware

How Small Catering Companies Can Start Big with Catermonkey

For small and start-up catering and event companies, finding the right balance between cost and quality can be a challenge, especially when it comes to managing your...
efficiënte eventplanning

Calculating Purchasing for Your Party: Excel or Catermonkey Catering Software?

As a catering professional, your success hinges on the precision of your purchasing calculations. Errors in these calculations can lead to costly surpluses or...
Efficiënt Offertes Maken voor Feesten, Catering en Eventlocaties met Catermonkey

How to Make Effective Quotes for Parties and Events with Catermonkey.

Quotation is a crucial part of the business process for anyone in the event and catering industry. A fast, accurate and professional quotation can mean the difference...
Ontdek de Voordelen van Cloud-Based Cateringsoftware voor Jouw Bedrijf

Why Your Catering Company Should Switch to Cloud-Based Software

In the catering and events industry, the move to cloud-based software is becoming more common. Catermonkey, with 12 years of experience providing cloud-based solutions,...
Inzichten die Winst Genereren- Hoe Omzetrapportages je Cateringbedrijf Kunnen Transformeren

Insights That Generate Profits: How Revenue Reports Can Transform Your Catering Business

As a caterer, you know that not all events are created equal in terms of profitability. But do you know which type of party generates the highest margin? Or which...
Automatisering van A tot Z- Hoe Catermonkey het Offerte- tot Facturatieproces Vereenvoudig

The Seamless Transition from Quote to Execution with Catermonkey

Catermonkey is not just another tool; it is the backbone of a streamlined operational workflow within the catering and events industry. From initial quote contact to...
De Kracht van Maaklijsten voor Efficiënte Keukenoperaties

The Power of Making Lists for Efficient Kitchen Operations

In the dynamic world of catering, organizing the kitchen efficiently is critical to success. One of the most valuable tools offered by our catering software is the make...
Catermonkey’s Focus op Innovatie Boven Traditionele Marketing

Catermonkey’s Focus on Innovation Over Traditional Marketing

Catermonkey, a prominent player in the development of event software and catering software, will not be seen this year at well-known trade shows such as Horecava in...