1. Making your website a sales machine

The optimal customer experience online

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2. Generate more and better leads

Your website a 24/7 sales manager

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3. Streamlining applications

Respond to requests faster and more efficiently

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1. A better overview

And clear your head.

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2. Quotes and invoices

Without cutting and pasting.

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3. Buy smarter

Without calculating anything yourself.

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4. Schedule your staff

Know who works where and when.

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5. Control the kitchen

Smart make lists flow from your quotations.

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6. Link your accounting software

Never retype invoice lines again

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Roadmap for starting a catering business in Belgium

Good preparation is golden. Work out your idea with a business plan. Online you will find plenty of examples and templates to write out this business plan. Your financial plan is additionally best tested with the accountant.

The ball is in the court! You take the step to fulfill your culinary entrepreneurial dream. Then you have to consider the following mandatory start-up formalities:

  • In case you are starting a sole proprietorship, then contact the business office for the creation of a business number.
  • If you start a company, its incorporation must first be published in the Belgian Official Gazette.
  • The enterprise office also arranges affiliation with the social insurance fund for the collection of social contributions.
  • The VAT number is activated through the enterprise office or directly at the VAT office.

You can also instruct the accountant to put the above records in order for you. Furthermore, you can contact the accountant with your tax questions and he will help you get started with VAT formalities and your questions regarding the Registered Cashier System.

If you hire staff or receive compensation as a company manager, also contact a social secretary to put payroll in order.

What permits and certificates are on your catering company’s menu?

  • Authorization from the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) (application through FASFC or the enterprise counter)
  • Authorization itinerant trade (or door card) for sales on the public domain, festivals, markets, … (via enterprise counter)
  • Municipality’s authorization for sale on public roads
  • Permission from the municipality for a booth at a weekly market
  • Alcohol dealer license for sale of alcoholic beverages (through enterprise office or Customs and Excise)
  • License to serve liquor (through the municipality)
  • License music in your business (Unisono)
  • Proof of business management and professional knowledge ‘restaurateur’ is not required when starting a business in Flanders
  • Inspection gas and electrical installation food truck -…

Also remember to take out the necessary non-life insurance from the bank or insurance broker.

Don’t forget to check if help is available from the government for startups like you. In Belgium, there are several initiatives specifically designed to support start-up entrepreneurs. Consider interest-free loans, grants or other financial benefits. Check with government agencies and organizations such as the Innovation & Enterprise Agency to find out what opportunities are available for your catering business.

In a nutshell: So before opening your catering business, it is best to pass by the enterprise office

Desire support in digitizing your workflow and request and quote flow. We at Catermonkey are happy to advise and assist you.

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We at Catermonkey are happy to advise and assist you!