2. Genereer meer én betere leads

Je website een 24/7 sales manager

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3. Aanvragen stroomlijnen

Reageer sneller en efficiënter op aanvragen

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1. Een beter overzicht

En maak je hoofd leeg.

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2. Offertes en facturen

Zonder knippen en plakken.

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3. Koop slimmer in

Zonder zelf iets uit te rekenen.

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4. Plan je personeel

Weet wie waar wanneer werkt.

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5. Controle over de keuken

Slimme maaklijsten vloeien uit je offertes.

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6. Koppel je boekhoud software

Nooit meer factuurregels overtypen

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The birth of Catermonkey

In the enchanting year of 2012, an extraordinary adventure began that would change the world of caterers forever. Marten Sytema, a driven and innovative mind from The Hague, Netherlands, was fascinated by the idea of developing catering software. At the time, the concept of software for caterers was relatively unknown and unexplored. But Marten saw a glittering opportunity to transform the catering world and simplify their processes, and he couldn’t get the idea out of his mind.

Meanwhile in picturesque Kasterlee, Belgium, Maty Van Geirt was full of passion and creativity. He owned the famous sandwich store “Broodjes & Co” and was working on an ambitious concept called “Hapjes & Co.” His dream was to spoil all of Flanders with the most delectable bites and culinary delights. Maty had already talked to countless people about his idea, but he still lacked the right tools to bring his vision to life.

However, fate had other plans, and one happy day the following year, Marten and Maty’s paths crossed unexpectedly. A spark of inspiration and enthusiasm engulfed them when they discovered their shared passion for the catering business. Marten, who was already busy building his catering software, saw in Maty’s concept a wonderful opportunity to realize his ideas.

Full of dedication, Marten began developing the catering software, while Maty worked with full energy to perfect his catering business “Hapjes & Co.” For six years, Maty used Marten’s software, fulfilling his dream of a thriving catering business. The two visionaries grew not only as business partners, but also as friends.

Finally, they decided it was time to join forces and use their combined expertise to conquer the world with their joint creation: Catermonkey. It was a leap of faith, but they knew that with their shared passion, perseverance and complementary skills, they could write a success story.

Now, four years later, Catermonkey shines like a shining star in the sky of the catering industry. With more than 300 enthusiastic users in the Netherlands and Belgium, they have already made an impressive impact. Their dedication to improving their application is unparalleled, and every day they work with their team of eight talented people to perfect the user experience.

The perfect combination of Dutch wisdom and Belgian practical experience has made Catermonkey an unparalleled all-in-one app for party professionals. Their story is an example of how passion, cooperation and perseverance can lead to great success.

If they continue to build on their vision and strive for perfection, Catermonkey will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the catering world and continue to shine as a beacon of light for festive occasions around the world for many years to come.

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