2. Genereer meer én betere leads

Je website een 24/7 sales manager

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3. Aanvragen stroomlijnen

Reageer sneller en efficiënter op aanvragen

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1. Een beter overzicht

En maak je hoofd leeg.

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2. Offertes en facturen

Zonder knippen en plakken.

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3. Koop slimmer in

Zonder zelf iets uit te rekenen.

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4. Plan je personeel

Weet wie waar wanneer werkt.

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5. Controle over de keuken

Slimme maaklijsten vloeien uit je offertes.

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6. Koppel je boekhoud software

Nooit meer factuurregels overtypen

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Calculating Purchasing for Your Party: Excel or Catermonkey Catering Software?

As a catering professional, your success hinges on the precision of your purchasing calculations. Errors in these calculations can lead to costly surpluses or shortages, which directly impact your profitability and customer satisfaction. Many caterers start with Excel for their calculations, but is it really the best tool for the job, or is there a better option? Let’s compare Excel with specialized catering software such as Catermonkey.

Purchasing Calculate with Excel

Excel is a powerful tool that can handle almost any calculation you program into it. It offers flexibility and is accessible to anyone with basic computer knowledge. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using Excel for your purchasing calculations:

  • Voordelen:
    • Flexibility: You can customize your spreadsheets to meet your specific needs.
    • Availability: Almost everyone has access to Excel and knows broadly how it works.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Error proneness: Manual data entry increases the likelihood of errors.
    • Time intensive: Updating and maintaining spreadsheets can be time-consuming.
    • No integration: Excel does not integrate seamlessly with other systems such as CRM or accounting software.

Purchasing Calculate with Catermonkey

Catermonkey is a specialized catering software designed to address the unique challenges of the catering industry. Here are some benefits of using Catermonkey for your purchasing calculations:

  • Voordelen:
    • Automated Calculations: Reduce the chance of human error with automated calculations.
    • Efficiency: Save time by generating purchasing lists quickly and accurately.
    • Integration: Catermonkey integrates with other software tools, providing a streamlined workflow.
    • Real-time updates: quickly adjust based on changing customer needs or event details.
    • Cost Control: Get a better understanding of your costs and manage your budget more effectively.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Learning curve: Although Catermonkey is user-friendly, it will take some time to become fully familiar with all of its features.


While Excel remains a familiar and flexible option, Catermonkey offers specific benefits that make it particularly valuable to caterers. This software not only helps you save time and money, but also provides reliability that is essential for successfully managing events and avoiding the common pitfalls associated with manual processes.

For caterers who are serious about their business, Catermonkey offers a powerful, efficient and user-friendly alternative designed specifically to meet their needs. Consider switching to this advanced tool to optimize your procurement processes and take your business to the next level.

Do you too wish for more parties with less administration? Visit www.catermonkey.com and try us free for 14 days or contact us for a personal demo.

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