1. Making your website a sales machine

The optimal customer experience online

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2. Generate more and better leads

Your website a 24/7 sales manager

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3. Streamlining applications

Respond to requests faster and more efficiently

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2. Quotes and invoices

Without cutting and pasting.

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3. Buy smarter

Without calculating anything yourself.

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4. Schedule your staff

Know who works where and when.

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5. Control the kitchen

Smart make lists flow from your quotations.

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6. Link your accounting software

Never retype invoice lines again

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5. In the kitchen: that’s where it happens

Your chef – maybe it’s you yourself – is at the heart of your business, and should know exactly what needs to be made.

Streamlining that is very labor intensive. If you had more overview, you could see opportunities, for example, to prepare dishes from multiple events or orders together.

Yet, to your mind, all the information is available in your quotations. But making convenient production lists takes too much time, and so that’s why it’s left there.

Catermonkey knows it, and so does everyone on the kitchen floor.



Focus on making food, not making lists

Merging certain preparations suddenly becomes evident. So does dividing your kitchen into hot and cold kitchens, for example. You can split the lists from Catermonkey as you like – a list of soup, a list of salads, etc.

Does the number of people change? Or even the dishes themselves? The lists change instantly with them.

That way, everyone is always up to date.

And there’s more to optimize your workflow

Convenient calendar

An organized calendar with literally all the info you need from a party or your party week.

Purchasing Calculator

With our purchasing calculator, you can easily keep track of what you need for each event or for the entire week, month, …

Quickly create quotes

Our catering software provides the solution here. With our handy tools and templates, you can create a custom quote in as little as 2 minutes, and even have it signed online for an even faster process.

Trusted by leading companies