1. Making your website a sales machine

The optimal customer experience online

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2. Generate more and better leads

Your website a 24/7 sales manager

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3. Streamlining applications

Respond to requests faster and more efficiently

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2. Quotes and invoices

Without cutting and pasting.

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3. Buy smarter

Without calculating anything yourself.

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4. Schedule your staff

Know who works where and when.

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5. Control the kitchen

Smart make lists flow from your quotations.

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6. Link your accounting software

Never retype invoice lines again

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*** The Catermonkey ExPress ***

Catermonkey – How Software Makes Food More Delicious and Affordable!

Catermonkey, the leading web application that offers caterers a revolutionary solution to administrative tasks, is proud to announce the global launch of an innovative feature that not only increases efficiency but also takes the taste experience to new heights.
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Catermonkey, the leading web application that offers caterers a revolutionary solution to administrative tasks, is proud to announce the global launch of an innovative feature that not only increases efficiency but also takes the taste experience to new heights.

In the quest for delicious and cost-effective food, Catermonkey.com has introduced a groundbreaking feature that allows caterers to link their recipes and ingredients to their menus and dishes. This culinary innovation not only transforms the way dishes are prepared and presented, but also has significant benefits for both caterers and consumers.

Catermonkey users now benefit from seamless integration between recipes, menus and ingredients, giving event workers better knowledge of how to prepare and present each dish. The result? A culinary masterpiece that is not only tastier, but also meets the highest standards.

The benefits don’t stop here. Caterers using Catermonkey can calculate their ingredients with a single click, leading to smarter purchasing decisions and significant cost savings. Compared to manual calculations or estimates of required ingredients, Catermonkey allows users to purchase more efficiently, making their dishes not only more qualitative but also more cost-effective.

But it doesn’t stop there. Catermonkey goes one step further and introduces a unique feature for hospitals and nursing homes: a patient review option. After devouring their meals, patients can rate dishes, giving the chef insight into which dishes are in taste. This feedback, visible only to the chef, helps fine-tune the menu, resulting in improved patient satisfaction.

This assessment option goes beyond individual institutions. Caterers can choose to share successful recipes with other chefs using Catermonkey’s MealServiceApp, benefiting the entire industry and encouraging culinary innovation. A shared passion for great food brings chefs together and enhances the experience for each customer.

Maty Van Geirt, co-founder of Catermonkey, emphasizes the importance of these features, “We believe good food is an essential part of life, and we are proud to contribute to both the taste experience and cost effectiveness of our users. These new features reflect our commitment to culinary excellence and customer satisfaction.”

The global launch of Catermonkey marks not only a new phase in the catering software industry but also in the flavor revolution the company is unleashing. Prepare for a future where tastier and more affordable food go hand in hand thanks to Catermonkey’s power of innovation.

For more information about Catermonkey and its services, please visit www.catermonkey.com

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