1. Making your website a sales machine

The optimal customer experience online

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2. Generate more and better leads

Your website a 24/7 sales manager

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3. Streamlining applications

Respond to requests faster and more efficiently

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1. A better overview

And clear your head.

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2. Quotes and invoices

Without cutting and pasting.

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3. Buy smarter

Without calculating anything yourself.

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4. Schedule your staff

Know who works where and when.

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5. Control the kitchen

Smart make lists flow from your quotations.

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6. Link your accounting software

Never retype invoice lines again

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Markets & Festivals vs. Corporate & Private Parties

As a food truck owner, you face a crucial choice: do you go for markets and festivals or do you focus on corporate and private parties? In this blog, you’ll discover the pros and cons of both options so you can make an informed decision that will lead your food truck business to success.

Markets and Festivals – The Magic of Discovery

Markets and festivals have a unique charm. They attract different people who come specifically to your food truck. It is a lively and fun environment where you can reach new customers and promote your brand. Maar het nadeel is dat het aantal verkopen onzeker is. You can prepare too little, which costs opportunities, or prepare too much, which means waste. It can be difficult to be consistently profitable this way.

Corporate and Private Parties – Security and Reliability

Specializing in corporate and private parties offers security and stability. You know in advance exactly how much food to prepare and how many staff you will need. In addition, these parties are often prepaid, giving you financial security. In addition, you are less dependent on weather conditions, allowing you to operate consistently regardless of the weather.


When deciding between markets and festivals and corporate and private parties, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. Markets and festivals offer the magic of discovery, but also bring uncertainty. Corporate and private parties offer security and reliability. If you would like to bring in more private and corporate parties, Catermonkey offers all the tools and support to make your online story a roaring success. Together we can make your food truck business thrive!

The Catermonkey team is ready to make your online success story a reality.

Need help with your online story?

We at Catermonkey are happy to advise and assist you!